Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 9

For both of these two teapots, I used the paintbrush and pencil tool in Illustrator.
I made multiple lines in order to give the teapots depth and volume. 

On the subject of drawing it, I simply drew what I saw.
I didn't plan the illustration in any specific order.

In order to make this teapot, I used the "Pen & Point" tool.
This caused my lines to be much sleeker, and more abrupt.
However, I think the teapot illustration looks neater as a whole

For both this teapot illustration and the one below,
I used the concept of layering to complete my illustration.
I started by illustrating the background, and continued
forward until the illustration was complete.

I used the paintbrush tool, as well as an artistic stroke to illustrate this teapot.
It was a very "curvy" teapot, so I found this tool to be extremely effective.

Just as the above illustration, I layered this teapot illustration,
beginning with the background, and moving to the foreground.

**All the colors and backgrounds in these teapot illustrations
were meant to be replicas of the actual situation.

My main focus for these illustrations was to be consistent with certain things,
 and altering other components.

My "rules" for this set of illustrations were as follows:
Monochromatic color scheme
Black & White "8 Ball"
Constant Stroke

The only component that changes within these illustrations
 is the color scheme of the background objects.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week 8

All of my five variations differ because of color.
Each of them portray a different "mood" and have a distinct emotion.

This picture is backwards in my opinion, because the pole is colorful, while the street signs are white. I think that it has a fun mood, with excitement because it is backwards.
Also I think that the pink gives it a fun emotion, because it is a bright and friendly color.

This illustration uses three "happy" colors, and then has a backdrop of gray tones. I think that it makes one feel happy, while aims for the onlooker to focus on the street signs, as opposed to the big pole.

This illustration gives a calming emotion because of the subtle orange and purple.  It gives the effect of a sunrise, and I purposely used the same colors on the signs as in the sky so that it has a very "flowy" effect.

This illustration uses dark colors to give a mysterious mood.  The light is blue, just like the signs; while the backdrop is almost pitch black, which makes the set mysterious.

I think that this illustration has little to no mood but looks very interesting.  The edged of the signs slightly blend into the black outer circle.  It also reminds me of an antique film, with the black, white, and gray, and the backdrop.

Week 7

In Arizona.. Hunting camels is prohibited!!