Monday, December 7, 2009

Special Edition Blog

In the fall of 2008, I visited a town called Pilsen in Chicago and visited various galleries.  These galleries had numerous different artists with drastically different styles, but I found a piece of art this inspired me in a few different galleries.

This work of art intrigued me because it incorporates vivid color, as well as a black and
white photo.  I love black and white photography as well as paintings with vivid color, so
the combination of the two in this work of art is very inspirational.

From the Sources:
I have loved black and white photographs since I got my first digital camera.  This
artwork took me by surprise because when I was far away from it, it wasnʼt apparent
that the woman in it is naked.  However, once you get closer and look at the intensity in
her eyes and body language, it draws you into the photograph.  I love the fact that it has
not only one photograph, but four.  Each of which have a different emotional state.  I
love this piece of art in general.

Solitary Susan:
Just like Every Daylily, this piece also intrigued me when I went into the gallery.  (This
piece was located in the same gallery as Every Daylily)  I love the fact that the focal
point is one flower in particular, and then the rest of the flowers are blurred in the
background.  I think that it was photographed beautifully.  I love the vibrant color and the
perfection of this one, solitary, susan.

At first when I looked at this piece of art, I was completely confused as to what the artist
was thinking.  Then I started to form my own judgements and I came to the conclusion
that my interpretation of this piece of art is that beauty resides in the mind.  I think that
beauty is something that is obtained through intelligence and how you “hold” yourself.  I
also took the idea that the artist might have wanted this to be a representation that
intelligence comes before beauty.  With the idea that the brain is on top of the lipstick
(giving it dominance) and the idea that beauty is something that can come and go, but
knowledge is something that stays with you forever.

Every Daylily:
I love photography and the second that I walked into this gallery, this particular piece
grabbed me.  I love the contrast between the vibrant yellow-ish orange and pink flower
against the black background.  For lack of a better word, the flower “pops.”  I think that it
is an amazing piece of artwork and definitely something that I would like to recreate,
and something that will hang in my house one day.

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