Monday, December 7, 2009

Week 11

This week we put the finishing touches on the magazine layout.  It was crucial to not only have an interesting magazine layout, but also a consistent layout so that the viewer is not distracted by the layout.

This first layout of my magazine is the main inspiration for the magazine layout in general.  I used a color from the predominant illustration to choose the background color and used black text.  Their is a large object on the left page of the first half of the magazine, which includes all illustrations and then there are smaller images as well as text on the right hand page, as seen below.

In order to design this layout, I used the "Box Tool" to make the solid background as well as the text boxes.  I also used this tool to "Place" my illustrations and photos into the layout.  I copy and pasted the text into the articles from both my Blog as well as a "Word" document.

The second half of my magazine deals with digital photography that I had done in a previous art class at SXU.  These layouts solely incorporate the photographs with little to no writing.  Because I wanted the photographs to be the main focus, the background of all these pages of the layout are white.

These layouts were created the same way the the first half were, by using the "Box Tool," "Place," and inserting text.

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