Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 5

Craft: I took a picture of this particular street sign in China Town and then used Adobe Illustrator to transform my photograph into an illustration.  I utilized the "pen" tool in order to make the shapes for this illustration and then used the "curve" tool and the "shape" tool to make the non-straight objects.  I also used the "dropper" tool to use the colors in the original photograph to choose the colors for my illustration.

Concept: I think that this illustration is a good portrayal of China Town, because of the street sign I choose.  In addition, I think that the fact that there is a security camera on top of the lamp post gives the effect that China Town is not the safest place to travel.  I also like the fact that the illustration includes the sky so that the person looking at my illustration realizes that this photograph was taken at an upward angle.

Composition: I choose to add the letters on the street sign so that this particular corner of China Town could be found by the person looking at my illustration.  I also thought that having the pedestrian sign in the illustration is important because the majority of the people in China Town walk as opposed to driving.  Also, I added the security camera because I thought that would be a good component of China Town.

Critique Notes: My illustration needs a few changes.  These changes include giving the sky a more realistic color and blend.  In addition, the light in the light pole on the lame post looks odd and needs to be changed.  This can be changed by getting rid of the thick stroke around the center of the light bulb.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 4


Craft: I used a picture that I took in China Town as a backdrop and then utilized the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator to trace my own illustration on top of it. I used the eye-drop tool for my color choice in my illustration, which is why the colors are as they are. The colors in my illustration are close to, if not the same, as the actual colors in the picture.

Concept: I choose to illustrate this picture because, once it is finished, I think that it will be an interesting and informational illustration. I also liked that the sky was going to be incorporated into my illustration so that my viewers would be aware that this picture was taken from a low angle in comparison to the street sign.

Composition: I choose to take a few things out of my illustration for different reasons. I choose to eliminate the dragon because when I sized my illustration, the only part of the dragon that fit into my illustration was the tail, and I thought that it looked odd in my picture. I'm also going to take out the wire that is going across the top of the photograph because it is pretty pointless. I am, however, going to add some detail to my banner, as well as add the street names to the street signs in my illustration because I think that it is important for my viewer to be aware of where this particular street sign is, so that they don't think it is just some random street sign/lamp post. I'm also going to add some detail to the actual post, and touch up the security on the top of the post.

**This is a work in progress

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 2

Craft: As I was walking around China Town and I looked up and noticed all of the dragon figures on top of the lap posts, connected to the light posts.  So, I squatted down, angled my camera upwards and took a picture of this light post.  Aiming my camera up at the light post also gave me the opportunity to get good lighting, and a good angle so that I could capture all the pieces of the lamp post that I wanted.

Concept: The concept behind my picture is that the lamp post not only has two street signs on it, Wentworth Ave. and 23rd Pl., it also has a dedication to Dr. Sun Yat Sen.  Dr. Sun Yat Sen is very culturally significant for China Town (See Composition.)

Composition: I wanted both street signs in the picture so that one would be able to locate this dedication to Dr. Sun Yat Sen, as well as the light fixture with the dragon on top of it.  Dr. Sun Yat Sen was part of the Chinese Revolutionary as well as an influential political leader.  Dr. Sun Yat Sen was referred to as the "Father of the Nation."  In addition to having an honorary street dedicated to Dr. Sun Yat Sen, this lamp post also had a "pedestrian crossing" sign which, if you have ever been to China Town, is very true . The streets of China Town are always jam packed with people, regardless of the hour.