Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 5

Craft: I took a picture of this particular street sign in China Town and then used Adobe Illustrator to transform my photograph into an illustration.  I utilized the "pen" tool in order to make the shapes for this illustration and then used the "curve" tool and the "shape" tool to make the non-straight objects.  I also used the "dropper" tool to use the colors in the original photograph to choose the colors for my illustration.

Concept: I think that this illustration is a good portrayal of China Town, because of the street sign I choose.  In addition, I think that the fact that there is a security camera on top of the lamp post gives the effect that China Town is not the safest place to travel.  I also like the fact that the illustration includes the sky so that the person looking at my illustration realizes that this photograph was taken at an upward angle.

Composition: I choose to add the letters on the street sign so that this particular corner of China Town could be found by the person looking at my illustration.  I also thought that having the pedestrian sign in the illustration is important because the majority of the people in China Town walk as opposed to driving.  Also, I added the security camera because I thought that would be a good component of China Town.

Critique Notes: My illustration needs a few changes.  These changes include giving the sky a more realistic color and blend.  In addition, the light in the light pole on the lame post looks odd and needs to be changed.  This can be changed by getting rid of the thick stroke around the center of the light bulb.

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